The Next Wireless Communication Upheaval-Lifi Development Kits Illuminating The Way Forward

All over the world, millions of laptops, cell phones and other smart devices are connected to and transmitting data over the internet through wireless networks. In fact, WiFi connectivity is pretty much a basic need these days along with food, water and electricity. But the next wireless communication upheaval is coming and it is coming fast. And those who are ready to ride this wave of development are destined to reach the top. 

This is the era of Li Fi indoor lighting- the next generation web connectivity solution that is here to change the way we interact with the internet. And with LiFi development kits hitting the market now, the way forward is being paved by researchers faster than ever before!

The Limitations Of Wifi That Makes Lifi Lights The Better Alternative:

WiFi has been around for a good long time now, making us more or less dependent on the near flawless web connectivity it offers. But as good as the tech may be, it does have its shortcomings and that is where LiFi wins the day. With the use of LiFi development kits, companies have been able to create network systems that largely win over each and every shortcoming that WiFi possesses, including-:

  • The limited spectrum capacity of radio signals
  • The low energy efficiency of transmitters that emit radio waves used by devices to connect.
  • The cost effectiveness and availability issues of WiFi
  • The security snags that this tech is vulnerable to
  • And, the limited number of applications where WiFi can be used.

Lifi Development Kits Usher In Communication Through Light:

LiFi takes advantage of the fact that the Light Emitting Diodes used in LED bulbs are also semiconductors. The same electric current sent through them to produce light can be switched at extremely fast speeds, flickering the light to encode parallel data streams. And this flickering can be used to transmit data over the web, much like they used to do in the old days with Morse code. 

With the need for more and more innovation in the field, industry pioneers like Oledcomm have brought LiFi development kits to the market, allowing the technology to step out of the laboratory that much faster, thereby taking the pace of LiFi’s development to a whole other scale. The kit comes with 3 clip lamps and a tablet with a simple app that allows you to develop your own location-based mobile service based on our API/SDK. How cool is that!

Lifi Based Communication and Its Many Advantages:

With the advent of LiFi development kits, the technology and its applications are growing at a phenomenal pace. The system has already overcome almost all limitations of traditional WiFi and is able of to offer additional advantages including-:

  • High levels of energy efficiency owing to the use of LED bulbs that provide illumination as well as web connectivity.
  • Top connectivity speeds going up to 1 Gigabit per second – its already enough to leave WiFi in the dust!
  • Increased safety because the light signals are unable to pass through walls
  • Advanced applicability and flexible use, even in underwater applications and airplanes where WiFi was unusable.
Lifi Development Kits and the Way Forward:

These lifi development kits have only added to the feverish speeds of development and innovation that was existing in the field of LiFi technology. What remains to be seen is simply the next revolution in the world of high speed communication and web connectivity. The times ahead of us are very exciting indeed!


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